Welcome to Kanbili GuestHouse and the Maldives!

Want to escape into a Maldivian tropical paradise? Want to dip in vibrant waters and absorb the sun while digging your feet in the white sand? Well, you can do it with us. We are Kanbili Guest House and we will be opening soon!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hikimas Mas Roshi



150 gram Chipped Tuna (Muguri Hikimas)
1 Coconut scraped
4 Curry Leaves
1 inch Ginger
2 Lemons
2 Chilies (Roa Githeyo Mirus)
3 Dried chilies (fried) (hikimurus)
2 Onions
1  1/2 Teaspoon oil
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 cup flour

How to Make:

Tuna Mix:

Cut the onions, chilies and curry leaves in small bits. Mix tuna, salt, lemon juice, dried chilies, turmeric powder and salt. Mix together in a large bowl. Then add the some scraped coconut and mix well.
Make balls from the combined ingredients and keep them in the bowl.


Add flour, oil, salt and scraped coconut and mix well in a large bowl. when the dough is made make balls out of the dough and keep them.

Now put the tuna mix inside the dough and flatten them. Heat a flat pan (medium Heat) and bake them until it's golden brown.

Serve hot with a hot black tea.


"A recipe has no soul.You as the cook must bring soul to the recipe" -Thomas Keller-

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