Welcome to Kanbili GuestHouse and the Maldives!

Want to escape into a Maldivian tropical paradise? Want to dip in vibrant waters and absorb the sun while digging your feet in the white sand? Well, you can do it with us. We are Kanbili Guest House and we will be opening soon!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Some rules and regulations to keep in mind when visiting the Maldives

Here are some rules and regulations of Maldives;

1.       Smoking in work and public premises (government offices, schools, hospitals etc) is prohibited in the Maldives. If the notice indicating tobacco consumption in a prohibited area, he/she will be charged a fine of Rf500.

2.       It is prohibited to bring any kind of firearms, drugs, pornography, or idols of worship into Maldives.

3.       Dogs, Pigs and pork is also prohibited in Maldives.

4.       Alcohol is prohibited in the Male’ city and on any inhabited islands. Resorts and some of the uninhabited islands are allowed to serve alcohol under a special license.

5.       Bikini’s or similar swim wears are not allowed in Male’ city of inhabited islands. Resorts and uninhabited islands are allowed.

6.       It is allowed by the Family law for both men and women to be married to foreigners. But the no-Muslim foreigner must convert to Islam before marriage.

7.       Within Marine protected areas acts such as anchoring, coral and sand mining, rubbish dumping, removal of any natural or living creatures etc. is prohibited.

8.       Fishing or collection for black coral, triton shell, giant clam, berried and small lobsters, turtles, napoleon wrasse, dolphins, whale shark and whales are prohibited.

9.       Decompression dives are prohibited in the Maldives.

10.    A parking ticket might be issued if you park your vehicle in an illegal zone

“If you violate laws of God, you're a sinner.
If you violate laws of men, you're a criminal.

If you violate your own laws, you're pathetic.” -Toba Beta-

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