Welcome to Kanbili GuestHouse and the Maldives!

Want to escape into a Maldivian tropical paradise? Want to dip in vibrant waters and absorb the sun while digging your feet in the white sand? Well, you can do it with us. We are Kanbili Guest House and we will be opening soon!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Why do you travel?

An introspective article about why I love to travel.

Different people travel for different reasons.Sometimes it's to seek an adventure.Or to simply escape from where one is.

When you are living your daily life, you are mostly stuck in a routine. You wake up in the morning, have a cup of coffee, you get ready and go to work, and you try your best to make ends meet. That is usually the ordinary life of a person. Sometimes this ordinary life does not give you the chance to explore yourself.
Travel gives you the chance to find yourself more, to discover and to explore yourself.

One of the greatest things travel gives you is the opportunity to have adventures. You can explore a different country, different people, different cultures. Maybe you can do something you have been wanting to do, like skydiving or bungee jumping! Adventure can give you an adrenaline rush!

Sometimes travelling makes you more grateful. Grateful for being able to see,touch,taste,walk,feel etc. It will overwhelm you for being lucky. Lucky for simply being alive. Travel will teach you how to live in the present moment, the only place you really exist in. 

Travel gives you a whole new perspective of how you see the world and what you think of this world. It gives you a healthier perspective of this world. Seeing how different people lives are in different parts of the world, different struggles, and different ways of overcoming their obstacles. It will definitely make you more open-minded and give you a realistic image of how things are.

Challenges are something you will absolutely face when travelling around. Whether you are forced to stay at a crappy motel, or having a dispute with a stranger. Challenges will make you do more than what you thought you were capable of. You learn to adapt to changes. Challenges will make your grow.

Travelling teaches you things that cannot be taught in a school or a college or in a novel. You see the world and you discover things on your own. You learn so much about yourself, about people, about the world etc. When travelling you are the teacher and the student as well. You are embarking on a beautiful journey of discovering the world. 

These are the reasons why I love to travel. What's your reason?

"To travel is to live" -Rumi-

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